Author, Consultant, Executive Coach - Helping people and organizations grow into desired results

Sunday 5 July 2009

New series: Save-the-world Sundays / this week - the Meatrix!

Regular readers are aware of my support (and that of my company, tmc) for environmental causes, particularly those devoted to animal welfare and habitat preservation. A quick glance at the right-hand sidebar of this blog makes this equally clear - "supported causes" and the "unofficial adopted mascots gallery" are given prominent mention.

Today I'm starting something new, which I'm calling my Save-the-world Sunday series of blog posts. On the principle that weekends are for spending time pursuing hobbies and interests, I'm designating Sundays as the day to highlight some of these important causes and provide information on how readers can act for change.

This week: Enter...the Meatrix

There's an important viral campaign going round at the moment which, as of this writing, has had at least 15 million viewers.

It's clever, it's informative, and it's something that we can all do something about - industrial meat production. Go inside the Meatrix, find out where meat really comes from and vote with your purchasing power and decisions.

Watch The Meatrix (part 1) and then check out what the movie's producers at the Sustainable Table have to say here.

Australia: Animal testing experiments kill one animal every hour

ONE animal in NSW is killed every hour during testing for new medicines and cosmetic products. The Daily Telegraph can reveal 8813 animals - including birds, guinea pigs and endangered marsupials - were killed during 12 months of trials.

Another 16,000 were kept conscious and subjected to a "a moderate or large degree of pain/distress that is not effectively alleviated". [...]

University of Wollongong researcher Dr Denise Russell said the tests were cruel and had continued even when alternatives were available and in spite of government appeals.

"What hasn't been addressed is replacing animals with alternatives like computer simulation and the use of tissue samples which don't require that we take the animal and house them in a prison and just kill them in cruel ways," Dr Russell said yesterday.

NSW review panel chair Professor Margaret Rose said that the 16,000 animals being subjected to category 7 testing, the most painful test while the animal remains awake, was cause for concern.

Among the thousands of animals were 14 horses, almost 3000 fish which had their water poisoned for environmental testing, almost 1000 chickens, 379 sheep and 59 cows.

What you can do:
Join or support the efforts of Animals Australia, the only national animal protection organization that actively exposes animal abuse and promotes a cruelty-free lifestyle.



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